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The Law for “Acceleration and Transparency of Implementation of Strategic Investments” or Fast Track Law (4864/2021) in Greece helps the government establish clear and transparent investment rules for big projects, both public and private. It includes 13 different themes, one of which is the “Digital and technological transformation of companies.”

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Financial incentives for intragroup services in Greece, e.g. datahubs, central services hubs

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Greek government implemented initiatives to boost specific sectors, invest in rural areas and attract foreign investors.

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Investment Law (4887/2022) provides incentives for eligible investment expenses, ranging from 10% to 80%, based on business size and implementation region.

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In Bulgaria’s initiatives to foster fintech innovation, such as the establishment of a regulatory sandbox announced by the Bulgarian Ministry of Finance. This sandbox is intended to allow international companies to test their products and services within a regulated environment, promoting industry growth.

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Hungary is one of the CEE countries with lowest taxation on businesses – the rate of corporate tax in Hungary is 9% – VAT Tax – 27% – Tax on dividends – 15%

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Windfall Tax on Banks: A new windfall tax imposed on Hungarian banks is expected to significantly impact their profits. This tax, part of the government’s response to additional income generated amid rising energy prices and other economic factors, represents a substantial portion of the banking sector’s net profits and is calculated based on banks’ net […]

Ecosystem map 181 – Cyprus

Cyprus Startup Visa is a scheme that enables entrepreneurs from third countries (outside the European Union and the European Economic Area), individuals or a team, to enter, reside and work in Cyprus in order to establish / operate / develop a Startup with a high growth potential.

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– Development Tax Allowances – In specific regions of the country, corporate tax may be reduced by 10%, 30% or 50% of the value of certain types of investments (up to 80% of the annual corporate tax base). – Tax incentives for small and medium-sized companies. Immediate tax deduction may be available for the purchase […]

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There is a wide range of tax allowances for new investments and R&D. Hungary provides tax exemption on holding structures, capital gains on shares and intellectual property under certain conditions are tax free, and a 50% tax allowance is applicable on royalty incomes. There is no withholding tax on dividends, interest and royalty paid by […]