Ecosystem map 145 – Financial Supervisory Authority of Romania (RO ASF)
Financial Supervisory Authority of Romania (ASF) is responsible for regulating and supervising the insurance market, the private pension market, and the capital market in Romania. It also plays a significant role in the oversight and regulation of the broader Romanian financial services industry.
Ecosystem map 146 – National Bank of Romania (NBR)
The National Bank of Romania (NBR) is the central bank of Romania, responsible for issuing the national currency, managing monetary policy, maintaining financial stability, and overseeing the banking sector in Romania. It plays a key role in regulating the financial market, including the fintech sector, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the national payment system. […]
Ecosystem map 104 – Data Protection Commission
The Data Protection Commission (DPC) is the national independent authority responsible for upholding the fundamental right of individuals in the EU to have their personal data protected.
Ecosystem map 1 – Malta Financial Sevices Authority
The MFSA was set up through an Act of Parliament (Chapter 330 of the Laws of Malta) and its main functions include the protection of consumers, integrity of financial markets, financial stability and the supervision of all financial services activities. The MFSA also holds an advisory role to Government in the formulation of policies on […]